Friday, October 28, 2005

Israel and the Arabs: Elusive Peace

This documentary series has been on the BBC over the past couple of weeks and I have to say it was absolutely mind blowing. I mean the amount of behind the scenes access was unbelievable and interviews with all the key players. You even have footage of Shaul Mofaz and Dahlan negotiating in hebrew, which Dahlan learned in prison, and just to see the way these issues are discussed. But what is clear in all this is that the Palestinians truly have no clue. I mean they were manipulated from the beginning and everytime they did something they thought was clever and they'd boast about it, it would turn out that it was exactly what the Israelis wanted them to do. I have to say I learned to truly respect their cunning after watching it and to realise that Palestinians really are out-thought at every turn. Even when they had some opportunities to squeeze the Israelis, they'd always make the wrong choice and end up getting screwed. Moral Question: In the last Intifada less than 5,000 people have died on both sides. In 2004 alone, more than 4 millian Congolese have died in the brutal three nation conflict there. Why should we even have this Palestinian issue on our radar. Is it simply racism? I mean, the Europeans only care because the Jews are involved. And the Muslims only care because a non-Muslim is pushing them around - please note they never lift an eyebrow when its a fellow Muslim massacring their kinfolk. So it's not that Muslims are outraged by 0ppression and injustice, especially as they are oppressors and unjust, but are simly annoyed when its done to them. A bunch of blacks massacring each other and things going on that make the intifada look like kindergarden... well no one gives a toss. I think it really is about time that we start to have prespective on a world that is rapidly descending into farce. I mean Iran's own George W., Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been making some pretty stupid comments and still blaming all his country's woes on the great zionist conspiracy. When you have to bribe someone to get electricity to your house in Iran, is the guy Israeli. Are they Israelis that fill the ranks of the Iranian secret police? Are all those corrupt politicians and parliamentarians that don't want to even let people breathe from Tel Aviv. The whole Arab and Muslim obsession with the great Zionist conspiracy is simply a distraction from the fact that we are corrupt, unjust and rather incompetent. Israel isn't why we are the way we are..... WE ARE. Rant over... click here to see the summary of the documentary.

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